Praise the Lord

Paul F Austin paustin at
Tue Sep 14 20:33:06 EDT 1999

Hi y'all,
Same here only more so, in south Brevard County, which is still looking like
ground zero. I was watching my colony of zebra longwings this morning,
wondering how many would be around tomorrow. They roost in the dead twigs of
the wax myrtle in the back of my jungly yard. I have lots of native
passionvine (maypops), so they've been prolific this year. I sure hope none
of my pine trees fall on the house.
Martha Steuart
Conradina Chapter, Florida Native Plant Society.
Anne Kilmer wrote in message <37DECD2A.5A8DFF4A at>...
>And keep praying. A lot of people on the East Coast still need it.
>Floyd is due east of us, heading NW, and there's a major cold fron
>pushing it; not likely to double back and get us.
>So, you weather shapers, shove Floyd north east (remembering that
>Ireland doesn't want our stinking hurricane) and Gert north.
>I've been pushing the cold front, rather than messing with the actual
>hurricane; it's too big and scary. :-)
>I enjoy the care with which CNN and the Weather Channel tells us where
>we should aim the storm. "We're trying to have it turn north soon."
>Thanks, Hughie.
>We're still under hurricane warning, but it looks good.  I have a
>brother just north of Daytona who would like your prayers though; he
>likes butterflies.
>Anne Kilmer
>South Florida

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