
Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Sat Sep 18 10:47:49 EDT 1999

I'd be inclined to trust their mommy. Leps usually don't get it wrong. 
If they do, their genes certainly don't need to be rescued. 
Nasturtiums are eaten by the critters who eat Brassicae; cabbages and
their kin. Your local ag agent will know which moths are indicated in
your neck of the woods. 
He/she will also recommend Bt. ;-) I like wasps, myself. 
(I'm just kidding; I know these guys are your friends. They'd probably
enjoy their very own cabbage, if you want your nasturtiums back.)
Local butterfly gardeners, by the way, were unfairly penalized during
the late unpleasantness known as Floyd; the wasps nesting in our awnings
took our preparations very personally. 
We're getting our share of the rain this weekend. 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

Sunsol wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anybody know what loopers eat? They were laid on nasturtiums. Will they
> eat that? I don't   know what kind they are.
> Sally

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