SEABA Sonora Field Trip - Labor Day (Part 1)

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Tue Sep 21 13:05:43 EDT 1999

The SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association's Labor Day Field Trip from
Friday, September 3 to Monday, September 6 yielded many interesting
species in monsoon greenery of central Sonora.  The trip leader was Doug
Danforth.  Thirteen other participants, some from as far as Ventura,
California, enjoyed some 98 species of butterfly, some neotropical
beetles, and birds that we don't get to see in Arizona.
After overnighting in Hermosillo on Friday, we headed up highway 16
toward Yecora.  Our first stop was at the bridge over the Rio Matape at
San Jose de Pimas.  From here we butterflyed our way up the highway to
On Sunday we went west of Yecora checked more baccharis stands along the
highway and checked the road to the village of Santa Ana.  In the
afternoon we went up onto the Mesa Companero.
Monday we took the turnoff to Sahuarita, finding many good spots along
the river bottom before the road turned west Hermosillo and home.

	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
	          Send Mailto:hankb at

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