b-fly releases at events
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
hankb at theriver.com
Wed Sep 22 16:04:36 EDT 1999
Kenelm Philip wrote:
> Anthony Cynor commented, with regard to my remark about the re-
> leasing of _V. cardui_ in Alaska by schools:
> > I don't think this is detrimental, except to your activities which are of
> > what use?
> Use, I would guess, is always in the eye of the beholder. Mr.
> Cynor may have no use for the Alaska Lepidoptera Survey--a project which
> has now been running for 30 years, and is building up a picture of the
> butterfly fauna of Alaska (and, to some extent, of Beringia as well).
> Other lepidopterists, however, have assured me this project is indeed
> worthwhile--especially considering the poor state of our knowledge of
> the western North American arctic/subarctic butterfly fauna, and the
> fact that this large region is still comparatively undisturbed by
> human activities (at least compared to much of the lower 48 states).
Bravo Ken -
There are at least some of us who realize the value to our culture and
our civilization to pure science such as you are doing. Curiosity is
what makes us human beings - and the value of your life's work can not
be underestimated. We are within a millisecond of geological time of
completely disassembling the earth as we know it and ourselves along
with it.
All organisms are interconnected, I believe. If a butterfly disappears
we had better know why - and it might just be a good idea for all of us
to try to prevent this from happening.
Sorry to get off the purpose of this list - but if it had not been for
pure science neither Mr. Cynor nor any of us would be able to even
discuss this here.
Hank Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
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