b-fly releases at events

Mike Soukup mikayak at ix.netcom.com
Tue Sep 21 14:38:27 EDT 1999

Once again,

	I probably agree.  BUT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PAINTED LADIES....not some
arcane species which only migrates thru Europe and occasionally
oviposits in Britain.

I think sometimes people get so wrapped up in the details that the
yforget the big picture.

I live in the USA.  I JUST recieved "The Butterflies of South
Austrailia" in the mail.  Sure enough....there's the painted lady.  And
let's be real.  This is a global butterfly....always has and always will

Once again, I want someone to tell me what critical policy or scientific
decisions will be made based upon the number of Painted Ladies in
Mike Soukup
mikayak at ix.netcom.com
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