Mutated Monarch Part 2

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Thu Sep 30 13:51:05 EDT 1999

Oscar Gutierrez wrote:
> Paul,
> Out of curiosity, how long did these monarchs live?
> >In fact, the two longest
> >lived tagged monarchs in recorded history (after tagging 1,000,000+
> >monarchs over the past 45 years by 1000 + people) were both tagged at a
> >golf course overwintering site where the butterflies cluster o

One (a male) tagged at the San Leandro Marina golf course overwintering
site (just south of Oakland, CA) in late Sept.1997 was recaptured
freshly killed by a cat the first week of June 1998 in Cloverdale,
Calif. I drove there to meet the captors and verify the recovery.

One (a female) tagged at the same golf course in Sept or Nov (I can't
remember off hand) was recaptured alive the second week of May in
Sebastopol, Calif.

A third (female) tagged in Sept or Nov (I can't remember off hand) at
the same golf course was recaptured near the end of April, 1998, laying
eggs in a backyard butterfly garden at Paradise, California (foothills
of the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range).

Bobby Gendron of San Luis Obispo, CA has the exact dates - he tagged
these butterflies.

Paul Cherubini, Placerville, California

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