Swallowtails in Cyprus - Luc Manil

Rob Parker robparker at waitrose.com
Sun Apr 2 14:29:08 EDT 2000

I'm new to this news group, but my subject is Butterflies of Cyprus, and I
am trying to re-establish contact with Luc Manil, who wrote "Les
Rhopaloceres de Chypre"(with a little help from Rony Leestmans and myself),
published in Linneana Belgica XII 1990. Can anyone help by telling me if Luc
is on the internet, or how I might find him? HELP PLEASE.    Rob Parker.
Does The Belgian Entomological Society have a website?
A Cyprus Bird site now carries a page listing butterflies found in Cyprus.
Try searching northcyprusbirds and then hit other wildlife. Much easier than
finding Swallowtails at Catford Fen in Norfolk, Danny.
Danny <thewalruswasdanny at totalise.co.uk> wrote in message
news:38e39b5b.0 at news2.cluster1.telinco.net...
> Went on Holiday to Cyprus, millions, well a lot of swallowtails abounded,
> god they were too. Does anybody know where I can check 'em out in the ole
> UK?
> Danny

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