Ringlets and Evidence
Kelly Richers
kerichers at wasco.k12.ca.us
Tue Apr 4 17:10:55 EDT 2000
Norbert-possibly there are parallels in the studies that Felix Sperling is doing with the Papilio genus in determining relationships. One of the problems with the splitters and lumpers is that they cannot agree on what basis to constitute a definition of species or subspecies. Perhaps it would be wise to conduct studies using some accepted systematic method (is there such a thing?) and align it with the methodology used by Felix. Applying such an approach to the Coenonympha complex might yield interesting results. For instance, has a long time study been done to sort out even the various phenotypes from a single location> What is the range of characters that exhibit consistancy and/or variation? Then within a population, paramaters could be set that could be applied to other isolated populations and a degree of variance set that would determine a definiton of species or just subspecies or just forms. At least this would be consistant within itself. Obviously this has been done to some extent. Pick your research method and follow up on it. It would be interesting, for sure. That would provide a starting point for people to aagree/disagree with whatever you postulate in the realm of species/not species for various parts of the range you want to study.
>>> "Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX" <Norbert.Kondla at gems3.gov.bc.ca> 04/04/00 12:54PM >>>
I kinda thought or at least hoped this little example of a real taxonomic
issue might be well received and prompt some comparison of various
perspectives. I definately am aware of non-published information that bears
on this topic but my intent was twofold: 1) show one interpretation based
purely on the published literature that I had available. 2) solicit other
interpretations and additional information - published and unpublished.
Concerning the possible meeting of inornata and possible blending with other
taxa under the concept of C. california as suggested by Porter and Shapiro
data; as near as I can tell with no reference material here at the office,
this possible meeting could only occur in Montana. If there is a published
statement that this actually happens then I would certainly like to have the
citation. But I hasten to add that I would not necessarily believe such a
statement just because it was published - some data would be helpful in that
case. About the issue of what to do in cases where the evidence is
"obviously ambiguous". Heckuva deep and important question which I think
will need to be answered on a case by case basis. However I hasten to add
that in the example I gave, I really do not see any ambiguity. I see
published evidence that supports an interpretation of more than one species.
A taxonomic decision to lump them under the European species tullia would
seem to be based on assumed zones of intergradation for which there is no
supporting data that I am aware of. Quite right there is a
philosophical/personal preference issue that needs to be handled. One
approach is to assume conspecifity on the basis of superficial resemblence
and lump them until contradictory evidence surfaces. People who find this
agreeable are welcome to take this approach. My preference is to not make
taxonomic decisions on the basis of superficial resemblence and assumed
zones of intergradation. This appears to have been the decision making
approach for a number of things in the past and has resulted in unsupported
lumping. So the other option is to simply use a name that is supported by
information - and then invite people to "knock holes" in the assignment by
producing data or superior logic. In some cases I would argue that it would
be best to go back to the original assignment of the person who named the
taxon - until some contradictory evidence is produced. I make no a priori
assumptions about the taxonomic significance (or lack thereof) of small or
large visual differences. But in the case of comparing yukon ringlets to
southern bc or alberta ringlets; I see obvious and consistent differences.
Different looking beasties living in different ecosytems on different parts
of the continent strike me as reasonable candidates for objective
reconsideration of past taxonomic assignments.
(I am uncharacteristically stuck for a closing witticism at this point-
brain must be jammed up)
Norbert Kondla P.Biol., RPBio.
Forest Ecosystem Specialist, Ministry of Environment
845 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1H3
Phone 250-365-8610
Mailto:Norbert.Kondla at gems3.gov.bc.ca
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