Butterflies of the world list - Bridges' efforts

John Shuey jshuey at tnc.org
Wed Apr 26 14:08:43 EDT 2000

Before he died, a guy named Bridges (Illinois Natural History Survey) complied an electronic database of all
published butterfly names (including the original citation for the descriptions and revisions!).  He printed
and sold these as publications himself, and now that he is gone they are not available.  Hopefully, some-one -
somewhere, saved the files.  I purchased two of the volumes, and which I had the all of them - they are truly
invaluable.  I'd be even more happy if I had the electronic database that generated these volumes.

Does anybody know the story?  Is it possible that these files still survive and could be put online?

John Shuey

Markku Savela wrote:

> In article <Pine.GSO.4.10.10004261015220.7933-100000 at asrr> nschiff at asrr.arsusda.gov (Nathan Schiff) writes:
> >       A friend of mine is trying to catalalog a worldwide butterfly
> > collection and is wondering if anyone has a list of the names of all the
> > butterflies on some appropriate program.

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