Butterflies of the world list

Jeffrey A. Caldwell ecosys at pacbell.net
Wed Apr 26 22:39:23 EDT 2000

Markku, I found at the World Species List website a list of the collection of butterflies of  The Natural
History Museum of  Los Angeles County, which includes authors and dates on a very extensive list:


You could search for other lists at the World Species List web site:


Another place to look would be "Electronic Resources on Lepidoptera":

Markku Savela wrote:

> In article <Pine.GSO.4.10.10004261015220.7933-100000 at asrr> nschiff at asrr.arsusda.gov (Nathan Schiff) writes:
> >       A friend of mine is trying to catalalog a worldwide butterfly
> > collection and is wondering if anyone has a list of the names of all the
> > butterflies on some appropriate program.
> I have been trying to collect as many as I can find on my web
> pages. The root of the hierarchical structure for butterflies
> (excluding skippers) is at
> http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/
> So far I have about 10000 names listed. Still a lot to do, and
> some of the structure is a total jumble and confusion. But, I keep
> working on it.
> The butterfly part of the plain list of names is in several parts
> (currently 7-11), the first of which is
>   http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/warp/lepidoptera-7-list.html
> (Numbering will change as I get more info added).
> ****
> I will gladly accept help in making this list better, thus any help in
> following areas is good
>  - lists of species names. I would like lists that have the name and
>    author, preferrably with the year. Additional bonus would be the
>    article reference to the description! And, of course, a rough
>    distribution information is nice too.
>  - lists of taxa mentioned in monographs and other important
>    works. (Does anyone have lists of taxa with page numbers from
>    publications of authors like Huebner, Herrich-Schäffer, Seitz,
>    Walker, Moore, etc..? I would be interested ...)
>  - higher level organization
> --
> Markku Savela (msa at hemuli.tte.vtt.fi), Technical Research Centre of Finland
> Multimedia Systems, P.O.Box 1203,FIN-02044 VTT,http://www.vtt.fi/tte/staff/msa/

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