Pointers in San Diego area?

Jeffrey A. Caldwell ecosys at pacbell.net
Thu Apr 27 00:09:02 EDT 2000

Hannu, I am not a San Diego local, but venture to suggest a few things.
"Birds and Butterflies of  San Diego County" is a web site with a number of
good links for you and a color photo gallery of some of  San Diego County
butterflies.   It is at:

The web master is Douglas Aguillard, who I have not met personally but only
online.   His email address is: doug at basiclink.com
he is a professional field guide, usually for birders but perhaps useful for
you anyway; his business web site is:

His site includes links to the local chapters of the North American
Butterfly Association  [for San Diego County that would be the Los Angeles
and Orange County Chapters], but there are probably members of those
chapters that live in San Diego County; perhaps if you contact those local
NABA chapters you will find other lepidopterists who would love to meet you
and show you around.

On Doug's site there is a link to an article [from NABA I think] about
butterflies in Anza-Borrego National Park in San Diego County.

One of  the more useful links is for the San Diego Natural History Museum,
which presents a lot of information about San Diego County natural history
on their web site:

Jeffrey A. Caldwell
California Garden Habitat Network

Hannu Saarenmaa wrote:

> I am a lepidopterologist from Scandinavia that will be visiting San
> Diego, California, on May 6-12.  If any locals are reading this, I'd
> appreciate pointers to places to visit.  Moreover suggestions for
> accommodations outside town but not too far commuting where I could stay
> and put out my light for moths would be welcome.
> Thanks in advance,  Hannu Saarenmaa

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