Phoebus statira host

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue Aug 1 11:15:06 EDT 2000

DeVries (Bf.Costa Rica) gives -

Orange headed larvae on Bignoniaceae: *Callichamys latifolia*

Green headed larvae on legumes -
Caesalpiniaceae: *Cassia* spp.
Fabaceae: *Dalbergia*
Mimosaceae: *Calliandra*

He suggests that there may be two cryptic species involved.

At 01:14  1/08/00 GMT, you wrote:
>Coinvine (Dalbergia) is a host plant for Phoebus statira in Florida.  Does 
>anyone have knowledge of another host?  Is Cassia also used?
>Paulette Haywood
>Birmingham, AL
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