Nashville, TN - 7/28

Mark Walker MWalker at
Thu Aug 3 20:05:04 EDT 2000

House hunting in the greater Nashville area.  The weather was mild for late
July.  There were butterflies everywhere.  I didn't have much time to
actually look for them, but then they were bouncing off of the windshield
enough to get my attention anyway.

I was very happy to see a male Diana (Speyeria diana) cross a small country
road in SW Williamson County (SW of Nashville).  I hardly expected to see
this species in this part of the state.  There were many Speyeria cybele as
well.  The most common lep appeared to be Papilio troilus (Spicebush
Swallowtail).  There were many other species on the wing as well, including
the spectacular Tawny Emperor.  At one roadside location in Sumner Co. near
the Cumberland River, both Emperors were very common - bouncing off of trees
and aggregating at dung.  In the shadows of the forest you could find the
Gemmed Satyr bopping among the leaf litter.  In patches of sunlight here,
the Silvery Checkerspot could be found basking.  Red Admirals were battling
Eastern Commas for territorial rights.  

I suspect that, given more time, the species list would have been more
extensive.  It was a good time of the year for Odonata, as well. 

Here's the list:

Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail)
Papilio glaucus (Eastern Tiger Swallowtail)
Papilio troilus (Spicebush Swallowtail)

Pontia protodice (Checkered White)
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White)
Colias philodice (Clouded Sulphur)
Colias eurytheme (Orange Sulphur)
Eurema lisa (Little Yellow) - this was unexpected (Sumner Co.)

Everes comyntas (Eastern Tailed Blue)
Celastrina ladon (Spring Azure)

Libytheana carinenta (American Snout)
Euptoieta claudia (Variegated Fritillary)
Speyeria cybele (Great Spangled Fritillary)
Speyeria diana (Diana)
Chlosyne nycteis (Silvery Checkerspot)
Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescentspot)

Polygonia interrogationis (Question Mark)
Polygonia comma (Eastern Comma)
Vanessa virginiensis (American Lady)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Jononia coenia (Buckeye)
Limenitis arthemis (Red-Spotted Purple)
Asterocampa celtis (Hackberry Emperor)
Asterocampa clyton (Tawny Emperor)
Cyllopsis gemma (Gemmed Satyr)
Danaus plexippus (Monarch)

Epargyreus clarus (Silver Spotted Skipper)
Achalarus lyciades (Hoary Edge)
Erynnis sp?
Few other skippers

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