ID needed of burnt orange lep larvae with gray tufts of hair seen in

JD Micro jdmicro at
Fri Aug 18 15:21:39 EDT 2000

Mark - 
The book you may be referring to is "Caterpillars of Eastern Forests" put out
by the USDA Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.  It is available at no
charge and I have found it very helpful.  It is publication # FHTET-96-34 and
is available online at
As to id of your larva - tough without a picture but may be Milkweed Tussock
Moths (Euchates egle) - they feed on milkweed.  The gray tufts sound right but
they also have short yellow tufts of hair on the middle segments. Picture in
Petersons First Guide to Caterpillars.

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