Sphingidae Egg Parasitoids

James and Margaret Tuttle jtuttle at fiaaz.net
Fri Aug 18 19:41:23 EDT 2000

During the course of my field work I have found that the primary control
of sphingid populations in much of the U.S. is parasitoids of the ova.
In many cases up to 95% of field collected ova are "hit" and this does
not seem to be the result of a collecting bias. Far and away the biggest
culprit or most susccessful parasitoid (depending upon your view) is the
family Scelionidae. Does anyone have an associate who can ID these
critters at least to genus????? I am getting a backlog of associations
with various sphingid species and would like to be able to say more than
"family Scelionidae".

Jim Tuttle

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