Does Bt Corn threaten any Rare Prairie Skippers

Mark Walker MWalker at
Thu Aug 24 03:16:30 EDT 2000


Friends of Barbie?  Friends of Gilligan?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.  Of course - the reason is that no one of stature
would take notice if it were smallish, orangish, moth-like day-flying bugs
that pretend to be butterflies that were the species of concern.  But
Monarchs!  Aren't they royalty?

Hmmmmmm...  Maybe I stayed eating dinner in that bar a tad bit too long...

Mark Walker. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Kuhlman [mailto:rkuhlman at]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 1:11 PM
> To: LEPS-L at
> Subject: Does Bt Corn threaten any Rare Prairie Skippers
> All the concern about bt Corn has been directed to the 
> Monarch so far. I was 
> wondering if any of the rare prairie skippers could be 
> impacted by this 
> genetically manipulated product. It would seem due to their 
> much smaller 
> population sizes and restricted ranges, some skippers might 
> be potentially 
> at danger.
> Roger Kuhlman
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