scarce vs local

Thu Aug 24 12:15:32 EDT 2000


	I would like to reiterate what Eric Metzler points out about leps 
(hi, Eric).  With insects, whose reproductive capabilities can be 
incredible, and for so many species for which we may know 
virtually *nothing* about life history requirements, I agree 
wholeheartedly that the terms endangered, scarce, threatened, etc. 
are undoubtedly misapplied with some frequency.  The term(s) I 
use most often to describe species that *seem* uncommon, etc. is 
*infrequently encountered*.  As Eric eloquently indicates, without 
knowledge of precise habitat requirements, and without complete 
knowledge of how to attract (encounter) species, it seems 
ridiculous to propose that a species is scarce, endangered, etc.   
This is *especially* true if a species is apparently found over a wide 
range, but simply *infrequently encountered* within that range.


Dr. James K. Adams
Dept. of Natural Science and Math
Dalton State College
213 N. College Drive
Dalton, GA  30720
Phone: (706)272-4427; fax: (706)272-2533
U of Michigan's President James Angell's 
  Secret of Success: "Grow antennae, not horns"

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