Stuck in Lee Vining, CA (8/25)

Mark Walker MWalker at
Thu Aug 31 12:54:59 EDT 2000

I apologize - for any who may have noticed - I made a typographical error in
my previous post.  I claimed to have seen a sub-species of Mormon Metalmark
(Apodemia mormo langei).  Wishful thinking - that subspecies has a T1 TNC
ranking - critically imperiled - and lives in a completely unrelated coastal
habitat.  I actually meant to id it as Apodemia mormo cythera - a 
Great Basin ssp.  It turns out that that id is probably erroneous as well.
Paul Opler has indicated that it is limited to areas farther south of Mono
Lake.  I did get a voucher, so I'll confirm this as soon as I'm back home.

Thanks Paul,

Mark Walker.
in Houston, TX

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