another early butterfly

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Thu Feb 3 16:56:26 EST 2000

It is officially spring, after all. St. Bridget's day was yesterday. 
That's the first day of spring in Ireland, anyway. Funny that it
corresponds to Groundhog Day here in the States.  
The white butterfly may have drifted in to Tesco's on a food plant
(flowering kale?) and emerged from its chrysalid early, fooled by the
building's heat. 
If it's smart, it'll stay right there and remain their pet. 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

colinjacobs wrote:
> A colleague at work told me that he had seen either a Small White or Large
> White butterfly feeding around Fresh cut flowers at Tesco's Food store in
> Lowestoft Suffolk on January 26th.
> Do Whites overwinter as adults? ie hibernate like Peacocks and Small
> Tortoiseshells. Im sure thy don't.
> It was very warm here on the east coast today and I expected to see a
> butterfly of the latter two species, I found three Hibernating Peacocks at
> North Cove SWT Reserve near Beccles but they were still fast
> asleep.Shame..........
> Colin A Jacobs
> Lowestoft
> Suffolk.

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