Mex. Butterfly Guide - Need Photos

wanda be496 at
Wed Feb 9 16:48:53 EST 2000

         Paul Opler, Andy Warren & I are working on an Introductory
Fieldguide for Northern Mexico (Jalisco latitude north).   It will
primarily be a picture book of around 1,000 species, expected to be
available in about a year.  Since there are no BF fieldguides for
Mexico, this is intended to bridge a gaping hole until others are able
to publish more in-depth regional guides.   Hopefully it will stimulate
interest in butterflying south of the border, making it more likely for
other publishing efforts, perhaps also in eco-tourism and conservation.

	We are searching for as many field pictures as possible, though we plan
to take specimen pictures to illustrate any missing desired views.  If
you have any pictures you'd be willing to donate toward this endeavor,
please contact me for further info at be496 at

				Thanks so much for your help,

					Wanda Dameron
					Flutterby Press

PS:  With low demand for this product, we are self-publishing; 
donations WELCOME!

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