Temporary - Naturalist Position

Mary H. Shepherd mhs2 at ix.netcom.com
Mon Feb 21 23:18:25 EST 2000

The following is a posting for a temporary position that might interest
you or someone you know who would like to spend this spring in the
beautiful West Mojave Desert.  Please pass this information on to other
lists that have participants that might have an interest.  Please
respond to Dr. Connor directly.  Thanks, Mary

Temporary position at the Desert Tortoise Natural Area

The Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee staffs a Naturalist at the Desert

Tortoise Natural Area (DTNA) and a Host/Interpretor at Blackwater Well
three months each spring.  Both locations are in the West Mojave Desert,

California.  The Committee currently has an opening for a temporary
position as Naturalist at the Desert Tortoise Natural Area.  The
is stationed at the Desert Tortoise Natural Area's Interpretive Center
March 1 to May 31, 2000.  Duties include interacting with the public,
monitoring visitor activity, leading tours, and providing information to

visitors on the area's natural history and background, tortoise biology,

threats to the tortoise and the Mojave Desert ecosystem, and the role of

the Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee.

For more information visit the Committee's website at:

Send your resume by e-mail to <dtpc at pacbell.net> or by FAX to (909)
683-3872.  Or call Michael Connor at (909) 683-3872 for more

Michael J. Connor, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee
4067 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501

Telephone (909) 683-3872
Fax       (909) 683-6949


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