TX-BUTTERFLY Listserv - 1999 Recap

Mike Quinn MQnature at tamu.edu
Sun Jan 2 00:19:17 EST 2000

Dear Leps-L,

Here's a compilation of statistics from the first year of TX-BUTTERFLY's

Dec: 132 msgs, 38 senders
Nov: 118 msgs, 43 senders
Oct: 142 msgs, 42 senders
Sept: 153 msgs, 38 senders
Aug: 131 msgs, 36 senders
July: 59 msgs, 20 senders
June: 53 msgs, 18 senders	     (lowest totals)
May: 89 msgs, 28 senders
Apr: 97 msgs, 30 senders
Mar: 119 msgs, 35 senders
Feb: 160 msgs, 46 senders	    (highest totals)
Jan: 68 msgs, 26 senders	    (Created: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:05:32)

Total # of msgs: 1321

Avg. # of msgs per day: 3.9

Avg. # of msgs per sender per month: 3.3

Total # of subscribers on Dec. 31, 1999: 146

Total # of subscribers at end of 1st week: 91

TX-Butterfly Archive:

Mike, TX-Butterfly Co-Owner

If anyone hasn't made their new millennium's resolution, might I suggest
resolving to join us in the Rio Grande Valley for the 5th Annual Texas
Butterfly Festival October 19-22, 2000. Speakers include: Paul Opler
(keynote), John Acorn, Bob Behrstock, Jeff Glassberg and Ro Wauer! (Info:
<mission at missionchamber.com>)

Mike Quinn, NABA - South Texas Butterfly Club
(Recently Updated)

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