Pumping and Mud-puddling, Research Request.

Robert L. Chehey cheheyr at micron.net
Thu Jan 6 19:58:03 EST 2000


I have asked several members of this list, off-line, for references on
Puddling or Pumping in butterflies or moths and gotten the following

Adler, P. H. 1982. Soil- and puddle-visiting habits of moths. J. Lep. Soc.

Adler, P.H. and D.L. Pearson. 1982. Why do male butterflies visit mud
	Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:322-325.

Clench, H. K. 1957, The 'pumping' of moths at water. Lep. News 11:18-21.

Downes, J. A. 1973. Lepidoptera feeding at puddle-margins, dung, and
  carrion. J. Lep. Soc. 27:89-98.

Hessel, J. H. 1966. Fluid recycling in _Agathymus aryxna_. J. Lep. Soc. 20:

If anyone out there knows of other citations, especially in non-lep. or
general ent. publications, please send them to me.  I will post the results.
Being, primarily, a microbiologist, I would be especially interested in
articles about active membrane adsorbance and active transport in gut
membranes, of mono- and divalent ions, or small organic moieties.

Thank you in advance.

Robert L. Chehey
MAILTO:cheheyr at micron.net
Boise, ID, USA, USDA Zones 6a, 6b.
Cool, Mediterranean Shrub-steppe
and frondose riparian forest
N43º38.67'  W116º13.68' Altitude:  770M

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