Thank You Paul Opler

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Mon Jan 10 12:38:50 EST 2000

As longtime advocates of bringing some order to things taxonomical - we
would like to thank Paul Oiler for a) forming the Committee on
Scientific Names of North American, b) for actually holding meetings on
a somewhat regular basis, and c) especially for publishing the results
on the web.
We can only hope that NABA can concur in the findings of these learned
gentlemen and that its Standing Committee on English Names (at least one
member, Robert Robbins, is on both committees) follow suit where
appropriate with English names.
	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                    Lat: 31.450, Long: 110.267
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

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