San Benito, TX
Mark Walker
MWalker at
Sat Jan 15 09:32:34 EST 2000
Back in San Benito yesterday (Friday, 1/14/00) under rainy skies and solid
cloud cover. The temperature only briefly exceeded 70 F, and there was a
cool gusty wind blowing all day. To my astonishment, the butterflies were
out - granted not in the numbers I witnessed here a week ago. The Neonympha
were quite common, and didn't seem to mind the lack of sunshine and
occasional rain. Several skippers were also surprisingly active, although
they would dart from between the grasses and the few available nectar
sources. Also common was a species I didn't find here last week (although
I'm sure it was here). Calycopis (KAYLEE-KOPE-IS or KAL-SEE-AUPIS?) cecrops
(SEE-KRAUPS), or Red Banded Hairstreak. These were fairly common (I saw 8
in an hour), and were found perching on various weed stalks (they were not
This morning I awoke to mostly clear skies (although I think that will
change to mostly cloudy shortly), so I'll let you all know what's flying a
bit later.
Mark Walker
Brownsville, TX
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