"Immunity" to mosquitoes.

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
Sun Jan 16 22:42:20 EST 2000

	Michael Gochfeld mentioned an Alaskan who was sensitive to mos-
quito bites, and thought he might have been sensitized by exposure. As
a reasonably long-time Alaskan (34 years) who has spent a _lot_ of time
being punctured by mosquitoes, I would suggest another possibility--
individual variation in sensitivity regardless of exposure. I don't
get welts, and never have, and regard the bites as a minor nuisance.
Gochfeld's friend might still have gotten sensitized, of course--but he
may also have always been that way. My wife, for example, has always
gotten welts, whether the mosquitoes were Alaskan or east coastal US.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at uaf.edu

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