Overwintering or diapause

Kim Sinclair skinc.nospam at melbpc.org.au
Tue Jan 18 02:04:01 EST 2000

I was wondering if anyone can tell me at what temperature Monarchs will
overwinter or go into diapause? We don't have such cold winters here in
Australia and I was wondering if I could keep a cycle of Monarchs going over
winter or will I need to start over in the warmer weather? Would it be best
to simulate cold weather, eg. refrigerate the pupae or eggs to keep them
over winter? I am a teacher and would like to be able to keep a Monarch
population going to use with the children each year.
Please excuse my ignorance. I am new to all of this and would like to learn
as much as possible.
Thanks in advance,
Kim Sinclair

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