Florida trip, May or MidAugust?

Richard Worth rworth at oda.state.or.us
Wed Jan 19 15:38:54 EST 2000

bmw60 wrote:

>Im Planning a trip to Florida and was wondering whether mid May or Mid August
>woulf be best to see the largest number of unique Florida butterflies.  Any
>would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.   BMW60 at aol.com

May would probably be your better choice.  I lived in Gainesville for 
three and a half years and worked in south Florida on various 
butterfly research projects during part of that time.  There are some 
single brooded species around the state including the Keys during 
May.  The multi-brooded species are abundant much of the year 
including May.  You will see different species at the southern and 
northern ends of the state and in different habitats, so it kind of 
depends on where you are going.  If you were into moths you could try 
August, although, I didn't do nearly enough night collecting when I 
was there, so I couldn't say for sure.  It is a great time of year in 
the SW USA.  Anne K. is right.  August heat in Florida is legendary; 
I think it may actually kill some butterflies(just kidding).  That is 
also peak hurricane season.  Enjoy your trip!!!

Rich,  under cold, gray skies in Salem (Ode to Mark Walker)

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at oda.state.or.us
(503) 986-6461
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