Just Published - New Book on European Skipper Species

Martin Albrecht carcharodusNOcaSPAM at hotmail.com.invalid
Mon Jan 24 13:31:39 EST 2000

Hello everybody!

Announcing the book "The Tufted Marbled skipper(Carcharodus
floccifera Zeller, 1847) (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae)"
Authors: Martin Albrecht, Martin Goldschalt and Reinhold

(Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo,
Supplementum 18)

Size: 14 x 21 cm, 256 pages, soft cover, 10 colour plates,
numerous black and white figures, maps and tables. In
German with extensive English and French summary.

The work is available from the author: Martin Albrecht,
Wachtelweg 4, D-88048 Friedrichshafen, Germany. Price: 65,-
DEM (about 33 USD, 22 GBP) plus PP.

The authors describe the morphology, distribution,
phenology, ecology and habitats of the Tufted Marbled
Skipper (Carcharodus floccifera) in Southern Germany. The
neighbouring regions are also referred to. In addition to
these results, numerous publications were studied and all
relevant information concerning this species in its whole
range was extracted and commented. This work is one of the
most detailed studies of a European skipper butterfly ever

The book contains the following chapters:

Morphology of the butterfly and its early stages (including
SEM images).
Distribution in Central and Southern Europe, the Balkans,
Russia and its neighbouring countries with several
distribution maps.
Phenology of the imagines and the first instars.
Ecology and behaviour, mainly based on numerous
observations in the wild: courtship behaviour, mating and
Ecology and behaviour of the early stages.
All the host plants mentioned so far in the literature are
The habitats of the species in Central Europe are described.
Endangerment and protection suggestions.
The literature list comprises over 400 titles.

If you have further questions of if you want to order the
book please reply directly to my E-Mail address:
carcharodus at hotmail.com

Yours sincerely
Martin Albrecht

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