Pierre Zagatti
zagatti at versailles.inra.fr
Wed Jul 5 04:06:54 EDT 2000
Bastiaan Notebaert wrote:
> Has anyone information on Butterflies in La Brenne, departement Indre,
> France. I will be staying there in mid july. I would like to know
> which species I can expect and where the good spots are. Y-a-t'il
> quelqu'un qui a d'information sur des papillons dans la brenne,
> departement Indre, France. J'y resterai au mois de juillet, et
> j'aimerais savoir quelles sortes j'y peux expecter et où se trouvent
> les meilleurs places d'observation.
A very good place for nature observation. I used to go there mainly for
bird watching, but I remember large populations of the short tailed blue
Everes argiades in mid July.
There was a study of the Lepidoptera of Brenne at the end of the 19th
century (by ? Martin...). Now there are several local lep watchers who
work with the 'Parc Naturel Regional de la Brenne' but I'm not aware of
their publications.
The best places are between Le Blanc and St-Michel-en Brenne. You may go
to the 'Maison du Parc' in a very small village (I forgot its name) and
ask for the leaflet that indicates spots for bird-watching. As usually
they are also very good for insects !
You may collect insects everywhere, except in the Natural Reserve of
Cherine, and of course you may not collect protected species (I guess
only Euphydryas. aurinia and Maculinea spp. may be found here).
For insects in general, la Brenne is famous for its dragonfly fauna, and
also for the largest West-European populations of the European tortoise
Emys orbicularis.
INRA Unite de Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
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e-mail zagatti at versailles.inra.fr
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