Got your permits??

MMintz4912 at MMintz4912 at
Thu Jul 6 15:37:20 EDT 2000

Hi all, it's time for my latest permit posting.  My fees have gone up (as 
listed on my website), but if you mention you found me here on the internet 
lists, I will do your permit applications for 4.00 per permit app.  As far as 
I know I haven't had a dissatisfied customer.  I will be happy to seek out 
testimonials from people who have utilized my service.

My name is Michael Mintz.  My business name is Butterflies of the Central 
Coast.  I'm located in California.  I am both a member of the IBBA and an 
elected member of the IBBA board of directors.  I am offering a service to 
help butterfly breeders apply for their necessary legal permits to ship 

If you ship a butterfly across any state line you need a permit from the USDA 
APHIS PPQ Unit. There are 9 species of butterflies approved for release in 
the United States.  Not all states will allow you to release all nine 
butterflies in their state.  In fact, usually there are restrictions.  The 
reason for this regulation at a federal level is that caterpillars eat 
plants.  And therefore caterpillars are classified by the USDA as plant 
PESTS.  A state will not allow you to release a butterfly where the 
caterpillar hostplant is or could become endangered.  Make sense?  That means 
no Giant Swallowtails in CA (because the caterpillars would eat down all the 
orange groves.)  There are all sorts of rules like this but each of these 
rules has a REASON.  These permits help PROTECT the agricultural environment.

If you are a butterfly breeder and you knowingly ship butterflies without a 
permit you're going to get busted. This means first off, that the nice people 
at the USDA will become mad at you.  Next they'll fine you a whole lot of 
money AND embarrassment.  And if you're really bad you could go to jail, 
which would be really, well, boring.

My service is to help you get your permit applications in with the LEAST 
amount of hassle.  I will fill out your permits for 47 states (Arizona will 
not allow releases and if you can get Hawaii to approve you or Alaska, well, 
I offer you my awe and amazement (unless you're IN Hawaii or Alaska, of 
course).  With this service, I will fill out your permit applications and 
address the envelope to the appropriate department at the USDA.  AND I will 
even provide the POSTAGE for that envelope.  All you have to do is sign your 
applications at the bottom of each page.  

I am charging 4.00 per permit.  What you get from me is an explanation of the 
law, of why and when you need a permit to ship butterflies.  You will get all 
of your prepared permit applications that, again, ONLY require your 
signature.  Then you just seal the envelope, drop it in the mail and wait 6 
months.  (Ha Ha.  No, seriously, it should only take a couple of months.)  
Your new permits will be good for 4 YEARS.  This means you don't have to deal 
with the USDA for 4 YEARS--unless you sell an order for a large amount of 
butterflies (say, 1000 butterflies) and then you need to let them know, and 
THAT is a good thing because it means you're doing serious business and 
you're making money.

Permits themselves are FREE (except Florida, which charges $10 per species 
per permit). You would need to take care of the fee for the State of Florida, 
but they'll contact you up in the middle of the process when they want their 

If I can answer any questions for you, please don't hesitate to contact me.  
I require payment up front before I send your completed permit packet to you. 

I hope I can help streamline the permit process so we can all dedicate 
ourselves to this industry responsibly and with an awareness of and respect 
for the laws that help keep us in business.

Sincerely,              Butterflies of the Central Coast,
Michael Mintz                    TheButterflyFarm at   831-375-4181

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