Phyciodes batesii

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Thu Jul 13 11:06:08 EDT 2000

Interesting. Sounds more like a parasite or a pathogen than an
environmental change? Can you describe some of the sites, habitat types,
land use changes?
..........Chris Durden

At 04:46  13/07/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Re Tawny Crescent:
>The species has disappeared from several sites in southern Ontario.  The
>sites do not appear to have changed much over the years and
>over-collecting (or any collecting) has certainly not been a factor. 
>Therefore, one must assume that something else is the cause -- it should
>also be noted that Silvery Checkerspot also occurred at these same sites,
>but this species has also vanished.
>Alan Wormington
>Leamington, Ontario

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