Wood Nymphs: banner year??

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Jul 15 11:55:59 EDT 2000

Wood Numphs (here in Austin TX, *Cercyonis "pegala" texana*) are not having
a banner year. None were found on today's Austin Urban Butterfly Count
(19th annual) although I saw one last week in the landscaping outside Whole
Foods Market. Here they are double brooded every year, unlike those to the
north and I expect numbers to build up again in the fall. They may be doing
better in Mexico (Coahuila and Nuevoleon) as the weather has been kinder
there in the past few weeks.
.......Chris Durden

At 04:40  14/07/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Wood NYmphs do not appear to be having a banner year everywhere with all
>time low counts on the Lakehurst NJ count (6th annual) and the Vischer
>Ferry, NY (Albany) count (8th annual).
>M. Gochfeld

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