Eggs of Papilio machaon

Andreas Lang Andreas.Lang at
Wed Jul 19 09:08:11 EDT 2000

Dear Colleagues,

I am desperately looking for eggs of the Common Swallowtail, Papilio 
machaon. We planned and prepared some experiments for this week and, 
unfortunately, our lab stock of L1 larvae died last week (probably 
due to an infection). I would need about 200 eggs asap.

Is anyone out there who can possibly help me or direct me to the 
right address? Thanx a lot for any help you can give.

Andreas Lang

Dr. Andreas Lang
Bavarian State Institute for
Soil Science and Plant Production
Menzinger Strasse 54
D-80638 Munich
Tel.: ++49-89-17800-137 (desk) or -145 (lab)
Fax: ++49-89-17800-313 or -233
E-mail: Andreas.Lang at

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