Please Help the World's Rarest Butterfly

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue Jul 25 11:30:49 EDT 2000

May we have some current opinions on the PALOS VERDES BLUE. Does anyone
have new evidence that it is a full species or is it still considered a
subspecies of SILVERY BLUE (*Glaucopsyche lygdamus*) as listed in
Opler/Wright 1999 (PFG Western Butterflies: 25)? From the XERCES specimens
I have seen so far I think *G. xerces* was a full species.
........Chris Durden

At 10:14  24/07/00 PDT, you wrote:
>Help! The World's Rarest Butterfly needs You!
>Our voices may help save the Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly from extinction.
>This tiny delicate creature occurs on ONLY one single site on earth. While 
>attempts are being made to recreate habitat and introduce it elsewhere, only 
>the one site is known to have the correct conditions for it to survive.
>The entire range of this animal is now confined within the suburbs of Los 
>Now the City of Los Angeles is planning to build on part of the special site 
>where it occurs.
>Searching for the rare butterfly every scrap of its former range has
>been examined. There are NO other wild populations known. Until the current 
>site was found it had not been seen for eleven years. It was thought that 
>like its close relative, the Xerces Blue, it was extinct.
>Please help! The last known good site was destroyed for development in the 
>1980s.  If it happened once, it can happen again. The Palos Verdes Blue 
>cannot make the plea to protect itself, WE MUST BE ITS VOICE.
>Please visit the website for more details on how YOU can help the Palos 
>Verdes Blue
>Breezin_easy at
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