Canada and net waving

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Wed Jul 26 01:24:29 EDT 2000

> ...wave a net around up here in Canada in front of a man of authority and
> your liable to be carted away in a padded van.

	As in any country, you have to have collecting permits for National
Parks, Provincial Parks, and such in Canada--and some provinces have addi-
tional restrictions. In the Yukon and Northwest Territories (Nunavut as
well, I would guess) you need a Scientific Research License (which is not
actually a _collecting_ permit--it covers any kind of scientific activity,
even if you do not regard yourself as a scientist). But with due care
for such considerations, I have been collecting intensively in NW Canada
for 18 years now, with zero problems from 'men of authority'. In fact,
Regional Biologists and other government people have been uniformly help-
ful--which may not always be the case in the U.S., as shown by the recent
events in the Coronado National Memorial.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at

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