Please Help the World's Rarest Butterfly
neil at
neil at
Wed Jul 26 02:47:44 EDT 2000
In article <397D95E5.2831 at>,
cherubini at wrote:
> John MacGregor wrote:
> >
> > Paul,
> >
> > Just curious. What are you implying? That the people trying to
save the
> > butterfly stand to make money from conserving it?
> Absolutely. That's why the butterfly activists target pricey real
estate projects
> in wealthy areas like the ritzy Palos Verdes Pennisula of California,
> movie star owned Malibu coast of California, the ultra wealthy
Silicone Valley
> of California etc. They know developers in these areas can afford to
be hit with
> six figure "habitat restoration" or mitigation measures from which
> derive five figure consulting jobs and other spin off income.
> Activists would not care much about the Palos Verdes Blue if it's
> was in some slum district of Los Angeles. Therre's no money there for
> them to harvest.
> Paul Cherubini
Oh, well, as I said Mr Cherubini's understanding of conservationists'
motives is not noted for its rational nature.
Actually the site concerned doesn't actually look "ritzy" at all.
As I tell everyone back home when I show the slides of the butterfly
and its habitat, you can see the Oil Refinery right across the road
and while its visibility may differ from different locations. Dirty
industry, as it is often perceived, does not increase the value of
property in the vicinity.
I am deeply concerned about this butterfly and always have been since
I read about its plight in the IUCN book on the endangered Lycaenidae.
I am from the UK and I would't haven't known anthing about the wealth
of the area.
The website is at
Neil Jones
Neil at
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