Beaune, France 5/25

JBizarro jbizarro at
Fri Jun 2 07:44:04 EDT 2000

dear Mark

Probably a Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae, by your description it looks like one
species that flyes in the environs of Lisbon, back in Portugal in the 80

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Mark Walker <MWalker at>
Para: 'leps-l at' <leps-l at>
Data: Sexta-feira, 2 de Junho de 2000 03:49
Assunto: Beaune, France 5/25

And what's that strange
>looking Odonata-like thing - yellow and black with two incredibly long
>antennae?  It almost looks as if it's got scales - very colorful and
>to a butterfly - but the wing texture and shape is definitely
>dragonfly-like.  Strange.  At least for a California boy.

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