Fender's Blue in Western Oregon, USA

Richard Worth rworth at oda.state.or.us
Mon Jun 5 09:57:16 EDT 2000

>Patricia and I found Icaricia icaroides fenderi flying at Basket Slough NWR
>West of Salem, Oregon this morning. Did not kill any, but took digital
>photos, some of which are decent, if anyone would like to see them.
>Patricia and Jeff Harding

I sure hope you didn't kill any since they are listed as federally 
endangered now and they were in a NWR....  :-)  Pretty little beasts, 
aren't they.  Dorsal coloration almost reminds me of Lycaena 
heteronea.  They never go very far from the Kincaid's Lupine.
Cheers, Rich

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at oda.state.or.us
(503) 986-6461

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