New study finds butterflies unharmed by GMO corn
Pierre A Plauzoles
plauzolesp at
Thu Jun 8 03:06:07 EDT 2000
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Bruce Walsh wrote:
> Chris:
> The mind is indeed a powerful thing. Suppose I were to suggest that
> (say) wheat is now mostly GM. Whould that loaf of bread that was rcently
> so tasty now see a little odd?
> By the way, as you no doubt know, maize has been extensively modified ---
> ever see a teosinte plant?
I agree, but with two major reservations: 1/ Have you ever seen a label that
specified that the contents of the package are irradiated or, in this case,
genetically modified? I haven't. Ultra-pasteurized milk is labelled as
such, why shouldn't other products? 2/ The genetic changes that have had
before the genetic engineers got to it were the result of in-breeding; the
breeding that has made the headlines recently is definitely not in-breeding.
As a matter of fact, much of it involved species belonging to different
taxonomic kingdoms!
Pierre A Plauzoles
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Bruce Walsh wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Chris:
<p>The mind is indeed a powerful thing. Suppose I were to suggest
<br>(say) wheat is now mostly GM. Whould that loaf of bread that
was rcently
<br>so tasty now see a little odd?
<p>By the way, as you no doubt know, maize has been extensively modified
<br>ever see a teosinte plant?</blockquote>
I agree, but with two major reservations: 1/ Have you ever seen a label
that specified that the contents of the package are irradiated or, in this
case, genetically modified? I haven't. Ultra-pasteurized milk
is labelled as such, why shouldn't other products? 2/ The genetic
changes that have had before the genetic engineers got to it were the result
of in-breeding; the breeding that has made the headlines recently is definitely
not in-breeding. As a matter of fact, much of it involved species
belonging to different taxonomic <i>kingdoms</i>!
<p>Pierre A Plauzoles
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