New study finds butterflies unharmed by GMO corn

anne kilmer viceroy at
Thu Jun 8 10:03:50 EDT 2000

Only God can mate a tree. 

Ow. That was not my fault. 

Chris points out that most molasses is probably made with GM grasses,
anyway. Therefore probably an unfriendly tipple to offer the
I dunno. 
As for the GM stuff in soy, that's Roundup-Ready, isn't it, rather than
What's in the rape? I've been web-wandering ... appaarently that, too,
is Roundup-ready. 
So presumably neither of these will harm the butterflies, whatever they
may do to our lovely selves. 
Their characteristics will also pass to the weeds among the legumes and
brassicas, which will give them, and their yellow and white butterflies,
an edge over other weeds. 
Folks on islands (Ireland, New Zealand) seem to think that will somehow
keep them safe if they pass enough laws. Oh ha ha ha. 

Me, I've quit kidding myself that I have any control over the contents
of the food I eat. The healthier it ought to be, the likelier it is to
be contaminated. As for salads, they are undoubtedly lethal. 
I eat cheese and homemade bread and the occasional smoked salmon, and
hope that the coronary will be quick and thorough. ;-) 
There's no use hiding under the bed, because that's where the bogey man
lives, anyway. A short life and a merry one, I always say. 
Anne Kilmer
Mayo and South Florida

David Chesmore wrote:
> Bruce Walsh said "Actual, our mtDNA is from bacteria, so that humans (and
> indeed almost all eukarotes) are made up of genes from two different
> kingdoms!"
> This presumably occurred millions of years ago as symbiosis.
> It is my opinion that modern genetic modification by splicing genes from
> differently evolved organisms from different kindgoms is more like trying to
> get a lion to mate successfully with a tree - I am not sure the lion would
> be too pleased! (nor the tree!)
> Dave
> Dr David Chesmore, FRES, MIAgrE
> School of Engineering
> University of Hull
> Hull, HU6 7RX
> England
> Tel/fax: +1482 465062

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