We are the world?
Bruce Walsh
jbwalsh at U.Arizona.EDU
Fri Jun 9 12:49:31 EDT 2000
Coud you give my Dick's reference. Just having reviewed all the corn
literature up trhough the 1940's (for ourchapter in selection with
crossbreeding), Dick seems to be very off the mark. The work required to
obtain pure lines that perform as well as the hybrids is order of
magnitude more work than selecting for the best lines giving excellent
hybrids. Further, it would take multiple generations (=years in maize) to
breed such pure-breeding lines with outstanding perfornace, while the
hybrids has this perfornace staight out of the shoot. If this were done,
I'm sure DIck would write a piece about big business screwing the local
farmer by holding upthese high perforance lines (the hyrbid seed) while
waiting for the holy grail of a high performing pure line.
Further, it is likely much more cost effective to have businesses develope
these lines.
ps excuse the typos --- away from my normal mail program
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