Eastern Europe
kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Thu Jun 15 13:37:27 EDT 2000
For a general insect guide, Michael Chinery's "Insects of Britian and Northern
Europe" and "Insects of Britain and Western Europe" (both published by Collins)
will be very useful, allowing for identification of most species to subfamily
and many to genus - most of the central and eastern European fauna extends
further west. There is a large range of more specialist books (e.g. the series
of Microlepidoptera Palaearctica), but be prepared for a hefty bill if you want
to obtain a set that covers the major insect orders.
hope this helps,
Patricia and Jeff Harding wrote:
> My daughter, Katie Harding, has plans to work in Poland this summer, in
> Krakow, in Environmental Toxicology. She just finished her undergraduate
> education, with degrees in Biology and Entomology at Oregon State
> University. Are there good field guides she should have, to insects,
> lepidoptera, or general natural history, covering Poland, or Eastern Europe,
> in English, or as a second choice, German?
> Patricia and Jeff Harding
(still a Ph.D. Student!)
Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
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