USDA / USFW Insect Permits

Anthony W. Cynor acynor at
Fri Jun 16 12:32:24 EDT 2000

Wayne.F.Wehling at wrote:

> 1)  It took me sometime to understand the use of "Plant Pest" as it is used in
> the Code of the Federal Register (CFR) and, thus, by USDA.  This is, as I stated
> in my post on 6/14, any insect that feeds on a plant (please see item #4 in my
> 6/14 post).  This is deeply engraved in Federal Legislation and the CFR and is
> not going to change.  We have all come to understand that a "plant pest" is an
> organism that is injurious to plants of interest to humans.  This is not the
> definition used by the federal government.

Oh just wonderful, if the USDA etc. have a stick in the mud attitude
like this why do you ask for help. The decision is made and most
unscientifically and arbitrarily.  Does not the act say these decisions
are to be based on scientific data? 

> 2) The USDA has the authority to regulate import and interstate movement of
> Lepidoptera.  This includes the monarch and others that don't have a financial
> impact on agriculture.

It also has the ability to not regulate stupidly and in a wasteful
manner or in any such way that would stifle scientific study and
personal freedom without truly justifiable reasons and not bureaucratic

I really don't see where we can go anywhere with this at this point and
suggest we get on with other matters and consider ourselves legislated
out of existence.



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