Habitat destruction
Stelenes at aol.com
Stelenes at aol.com
Mon Jun 19 03:13:04 EDT 2000
This seemed pretty germane to our recent discussion of farming, pesticides,
fertilizers, GMO's, habitat destruction. Anybody out there with a serious
save the world suggestion? The cycle described is: Farmland stops producing,
loses structure and becomes desert. New healthy habitat burned and clear
cut. New land gives out and becomes desert....cycle repeats
Of course, I heard that many thousands of years ago the Sahara Desert was
lush and wet until our species learned how to farm. The same thing happened
and humans apparently left the fertile crescent and north of Africa for
Europe, Asia and points south to find fresher lands to farm. Haiti is a big
desert now. It didn't used to be. Too bad people adapt so quickly. If the
Amazon goes, will many tears will be shed 20 years afterwards?
I was just in the Mendocino National Forest in northern California. The
clear cutting has definitely increased. A very unique habitat, the kind your
heart speeds up when you think about butterflying in, a special one I felt
privileged to discover last spring, was infested with trucks and over logged
this time. Dusty and destroyed for real. It hit me like a brick on the
nose. I called the Forest Service about this infestation of chainsaws and
they acknowledged the increases (by the way the trees were hundreds of years
old, now a rarity). They said "they are on private land within the Forest."
(Great, I guess that means I was trespassing and had no business there,
although it sure looked like National Forest and was not marked private) So I
asked why all the trucks were on the Forest Service access road, FH-7. The
answer "We rented the company the rights to use our road." My reply: Is it
the Forest Service's job to assist in the destruction of trees?" They said,
"Yes." I said, "Please don't build any more roads." They said, "Sorry." I
said, "Sorrier than you can believe unless you were there."
I hope the Mexico does a better job than the Americans...
Happy butterflying (While you can). Doug Dawn.
Woodland, CA
Desertification and Overfarming Scar Mexican Land
.c The Associated Press
LOS TEJOCOTES, Mexico (June 18) - Mixteco Indian farmers used to bury
cigarettes, candy and a cactus-based brew called pulque in their cornfields
to give thanks to the land.
Over the last few years, the age-old tradition has died out.
''There's no reason to anymore because the land no longer gives,'' said
Policarpo Bautista Salazar, 56.
Bald hillsides scarred with deep gullies glare down at Los Tejocotes, named
after the native fruit trees that once grew in abundance here in the southern
state of Oaxaca. Only a few trees remain from the thick forest that blanketed
the mountains.
All across Mexico, farmers are discovering the same thing: The land no longer
The U.N. Environmental Program says Mexico loses an average of 870 square
miles of arable land each year to desertification - forests or jungles
transforming into barren land. It is caused mainly by overlogging,
overfarming and overgrazing.
Faced with infertile soil, about 900,000 people leave Mexico's arid and
semiarid lands every year, the U.N. program says. Many wind up in the slums
of Mexico's overcrowded cities.
If desertification continues at its current rate along with the population
growth, the country that introduced the world to corn may be unable to feed
itself in 30 years, scientists say.
''If Mexico doesn't revamp its agricultural policies, we are going to face
desertification of barbaric proportions,'' said Juan Estrada Berg Wolf, a
scientist with Mexico's National Commission on Arid Zones.
Any change is unlikely soon. The three leading candidates in the July 2
presidential election propose more farm production with no plans for healing
the land, Estrada said.
More than 60 percent of Mexico's farmland is severely degraded, the National
Institute of Geographic Statistics and Information says. An additional 30
percent is in varying stages of ecological decay.
Down the road from Los Tejocotes, the tiny village of Guadalupe Llano Grande
clings to the brittle earth.
Elderly farmers poke at the exhausted land as if goading a stubborn mule.
''Over there is the last field I've had to abandon,'' said Pedro Pablo
Martinez, 70, pointing with a broken machete to an area behind the
community's half-built church.
The village is among the poorest in Mexico. In the church's basement is a
statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe with a dollar bill in her praying hands.
Next to her is a crucifix of what people say is ''The Christ of Safe
''We ask them to make sure nothing happens to those who've left to seek a
better life,'' Martinez said.
Guadalupe Llano Grande is a town of elderly men, women and small children,
its young people gone in search of better lives. Martinez's sons all went to
California. Two wash dishes at restaurants; the third was killed five years
ago by gang members in Los Angeles.
Decades of too much logging, farming and grazing has ruined the land, said
Estrada, who is conducting a study analyzing the correlation between
government policies and land degradation.
The government knew decades ago that if its farmers continued to pump the
land with chemicals to boost production the soil would eventually collapse,
but officials refused to consider more restrained practices, Estrada said.
''This is big business,'' he said. ''The policies have supported the
quasi-state and multinational companies that sell the improved seeds,
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and machinery.''
They also support the political parties, Estrada said. The government farm
aid program, Procampo, puts local leaders in charge of distributing vouchers
for farmers to buy the products at a discount.
''But if you don't vote for them, you're not going to see your voucher,''
farmer Bautista Salazar said.
Farmers have nicknamed the program ''PRIcampo,'' alluding to Mexico's
long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI by its Spanish initials.
''The program opens the doors to a lot of manipulation to benefit those in
power,'' Estrada said.
Pascacio Taboada, spokesman for the Agriculture Secretariat said it is
possible irregularities occur, given that Procampo has 714 support centers
that distribute about $1 billion to more than 3 million farmers each year.
But he insisted such occurrences are rare since the program is monitored by
the farmers themselves, who elect local Procampo representatives.
''The system works,'' he said. ''You can bet if someone believes they are
getting ripped off that they report it.''
He disputed contentions that the secretariat's policies are designed to
benefit agrochemical businesses and political powers. The government has
reduced pesticide use and promoted organic farming wherever possible, Taboada
said. But, he added, the bottom line is production.
''Our goal is to make use of our natural resources for the benefit of man. I
suppose we could leave the land alone, which would be best for the
environment, but then how would we produce?'' he said. ''I don't deny that
the resources are running out, but the demand is growing. We can't wait.''
Alejandro Santiago Salazar, a Mixteco farmer, started using fertilizers in
the early 1970s when officials came to this isolated region as part of the
Green Revolution, a campaign started in Mexico in 1944 to combat world
hunger. Sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, it promoted new seed
varieties, fertilizers and pesticides to boost grain yields.
During the first few years, Salazar's corn production boomed. But over time,
the Oaxacan land, which had been farmed for thousands of years, became a
chemical junkie, requiring stronger fertilizers and more pesticides to
Heavy fertilizer use disrupts the ecological balance. It overdoses the land
on nitrogen, causing the soil to shut down its natural production of
nutrients, Estrada said.
The nitrogen also kills humus, a spongy, slow-decomposing organic material
that not only provides nutrients to soil but also increases the soil's
ability to hold water, curbing runoff, he said.
The new plant varieties introduced under the Green Revolution also brought
more pest invasions, requiring more pesticides.
''Fertilizer burned the land, and now we can't grow anything without it,''
Salazar said.
Fertilizer is a key demand of the People's Revolutionary Army, a leftist
guerrilla group in Oaxaca and Guerrero. In April, the Campesino Organization
of the Southern Sierra in the state of Guerrero blocked city hall in the
state capital for a week to demand 500 tons of fertilizer.
Estrada said the answer to restoring land lies in Mexico's past, when farmers
grew crops suited for each region's ecosystem, and in manual labor, organic
material and longer fallow periods.
For instance, farmers grew corn with beans in the same field. Beans replace
the nitrogen that corn depletes from the soil. Pre-Hispanic farmers also did
not use plows, which break down the soil's structure, Estrada said.
In addition, they let fields rest for more than a decade. While that is no
longer feasible, Estrada believes that if growers used less fertilizers and
more organic material the land could heal with shorter fallow periods.
''It's possible the Mexican countryside can recover,'' he said. ''But it'll
take a fight.''
Many farmers are just quitting.
The states with the greatest land degradation also have the highest rates of
migration. In Guanajuato, 43 percent of the land is degraded, while more than
a quarter of the land in Jalisco and Michoacan is spent.
In Oaxaca, Mexico's southernmost state, 75 percent of the towns are losing
population. Land erosion is the principle reason, according to a report last
October to the Mexican Senate from human rights organizations.
A leading Mixteco expert, anthropologist Michael Kearney of the University of
California, has watched fertile Oaxacan fields turn into bedrock over the
years - and has seen the young leave.
''They either have to migrate or starve,'' he said.
Copyright 2000 The Associated Press.
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