Linn County Record - Western Green Hairstreak

Patricia and Jeff Harding jmh at
Tue Jun 20 21:42:03 EDT 2000

Dan Thackaberry collected a Western Green Hairstreak (Callophrys affinis) on
Iron Mountain in Linn County, Oregon, USA this afternoon. This is the
species that had been referred to as C. dumetorum. Hinchiff's Atlas of
Oregon Butterflies shows a record for C. viridis, now referred to as C.
dumetorum in Linn County. He shows records for the Western Green Hairstreak
in counties all around Linn County, but not here.
I had seen one up there while scouting for a breeding bird survey on Sunday,
and was pretty sure it was C. affinis, but given the confusion between
several closely related species, we thought it best to get a specimen.
Other butterflies included Sara Orangetip (Anthocharis sara), Western
Meadow-Fritilary (Boloria epithore), Echo Blue (Celastrina ladon echo),
Brown elfin (Callophrys augustinus), Polygonia faunus and P. gracilis
Patricia and Jeff Harding
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Patterson" <celata at>
To: "Multiple recipients of list OBOL" <OBOL at BOBO.NWS.ORST.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 6:44 PM
Subject: BUTTERFLY CENSUS: Coxcomb Hill 06/20/2000

> Butterfly Census
> Coxcomb Hill Transect
> Astoria, Clatsop Co OREGON
> 20 June 2000 1330h to 1430hr
> temp 65F; wind WNW 10-15; sky clear
> Method: Follows the Butterfly Monitoring Scheme described in
> Pollard and Yates (1993, Monitoring Butterflies for Ecology and
> Conservation. Chapman Hall, London.).  A 2.2km transect was
> divided into 10 sections.  All butterflies, odonata and selected
> day-moth species seen within 5m of the transect line are counted
> and recorded.  The aggregate count follows:
> Western Swallowtail             2
> Veined White                    1
> Cænurgina [Drasteria] cærulea   1
> Paddle-tailed Darner            15
> Notes: Cænurgina cærulea is the small bluish day-moth that tries
> to pass itself off as a small blue butterfly.  It is, according
> to Holland (1916, The Moth Book. Doubleday, NY.) one of the very
> few blue moths known and is unique to the Pacific Coast.
> --
> Mike Patterson               Alas, to wear the mantle of Galileo,
> Astoria, OR                  it is not enough to be persecuted
> celata at            by an unkind establishment,
>                              you must also be right.
>                                                      ---Robert Park

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