Cabbage Whites

Sharyn Fernandez butterflies at
Thu Jun 22 02:31:36 EDT 2000

RE the comment...*--->
>Forget the gene pool of this invader -- Since butterfly farming (A.k.a,
>breeding, a misnomer IMHO) is so widespread, perhaps we can anniliate this
>unwanted plant pest by encouraging its release by whatever objectionable
>techniques have been suspected.  What an opportunity for research.  Right?
>Maybe we start by dying their wings pretty colors...
>Doug Dawn
>Woodland, CA
*----> I thought there was some research being done at UC Davis on Pierids
(Whites) that indicates they produce some chemical with as possible
effective treatment on some kind of cancer, actually!? (South American
species only?)

Also, those who might consider raising "whites" to release in weddings
might want to see if they can be permited to raise Pieris symbrisii (or
similar species ...napi? ) that is supposedly being displaced by Pieris

and if those 'natives' were plant crop pests.... well, equal time for
native food webs - maybe we should learn to eat other things? or perhaps a
government subsidy for having some of your potential profits eaten but
supporing native food webs - first things first... back to control of the
cabbage white, i say-


Sharyn Fernandez, Concord CA
37deg..57 min N; 121 deg, 52 min. W
Butterflies & Botany

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