Anne Kilmer wrote:

Anthony W. Cynor acynor at
Thu Jun 22 17:33:56 EDT 2000

Hi Rick:

"R. Mikula" wrote:
> I sell live miniature flying pink elephants to be released at weddings.
> They are $1.00 each and shipped overnight without permits. Now are you
> going to send Bob Barker over to beat me up? It is always best to get
> facts straight before accusing any one.

These are hard to come by, please give care and breeding information. I
would like to order 100 (Is that enough?) and establish a breeding

>I am not 4,000 years old.

And here I thought you were a member of the Bafath!

> Everyone should be regulated, but as with "your Friends" the underground
> people
> can not be. 

Anne is a member of the Bafath or is it the MIB.
> "Anne Kilmer
> dispensation"
> from the USDA and sell a few bugs unregulated.

I believe they stopped allowing these Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Dispensations a few years back.  But if we don't ask and don't tell it
is a secret is it not? So who knows?

(Government an business motto- "What we don't know about we don't care
> > Are you professionals happy to have the amateurs releasing God knows
> > what from God knows where,

Actually you should try some of my genetically re-engineered Cecropia
and Atlas.  Beautiful colors, 18" wings as tough as leather, 270 year
life span and the adults feed. (On anything)

Will also import off-planet lepidoptera for release, list available!

> Dr. Wehling of the
> USDA works with all of us on a daily basis, attends our meetings, and
> sits in on all discussion groups and monitors the day to day activities
> of the organization. We welcome him and his guidance. 

Dr. Wehling a double agent?  (Our tax dollars at work)

> Mr. Jeffery Goldberg to sit on our Board of Directors so we could gain
> from his feedback and suggestions in order to find common ground we can
> all be happy with, but he flatly declined. Perhaps it may have been too
> constructive for his personal agenda.

Jeffery Goldberg? Who Dat?
> >because the USDA doesn't check packages and
> > you can buy anything over the internet?

I checked, no butterflies!
> Are you blaming this on people who raise butterflies also. There are a
> lot more things going through the 'Overnighters' that are worse than
> sanctioned butterflies.

Unsanctioned butterflies?
> Honest Anne it wasn't IBBA members selling kidneys over e-bay. At the
> last convention I even checked everyone for back scars.

That would be the IKBA, International Kidney Breeders Association. Does
the USDA regulate that now?

Tony Cynor

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