cecropia larvae

NewtChris newtchris at aol.com
Fri Jun 23 00:53:20 EDT 2000

I find your observations about preffered food trees interesting!!!   I think
there is a definite region to region and habitat to habitat variation on these
preferences.  This must be a parent to offspring genetic preference, possibly
an immune tolerance that is as specific as mamalian vaccine immunity is to
different strains of measle virus.  Possibly there's a "mothers milk" or
"colostum" effect.

My evidence is that, directly opposed to your observations....  Cecropia will
eat maple,  Polyphemus prefer maple, but are as susceptible to dz as cecropia
in later instars.  Neither ever took a bite of oak in my experience, and I
tried them all.  Prometheus will only eay wild cherry, spice bush or magnolia;
but prefer wild cherry or spice bush. (also known as the spice bush moth.)

LUNAS..... I tried birch and poplar for 3 years... (also box, lilac, cherry and
elm) When I finally found what wild hickory looked like, I raise 90% to

Anyways... you mentioned alot of food plants that haven't worked for me (albeit
80-100% humidity seems to be the biggest obstacle for most people).

I'm wondering how regional food plant preferences are biologically imprinted on
these creatures.

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