
Andrew Mitchell am16 at
Fri Jun 23 12:32:31 EDT 2000

>Can someone give me good reference(s) about descriptions of thoracic
>musculature of Lepidoptera (if it is possible: more specifically
>Nymphalidae) ?

This book should cover the basic ground:
John L. Eaton. 1988. Lepidopteran anatomy. Wiley, New York. (ISBN: 0471058629)


                                                \   /
Andrew Mitchell                        _____     \ /     _____
Department of Biological Sciences     /     `)_  O^O  _(`     \
CW-405 Biological Sciences Building  /         \( = )/         \
University of Alberta               (           ( = )           )
Edmonton, T6G 2E9                    <---------//_=_\\--------->
Canada                                \       / |___| \       /
                                       \     /  |___|  \     /
Phone: (780) 492-0587                   *___~   |___|   ~___*
Fax: (780) 492-9234                              \_/
E-mail: am16 at                          U


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